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Bronze - Romance Package


2 Nights, 1 Day

In the Romance Package you'll spend your stay at the Wyndham Grand enjoying life with your other half and wishing those nights never end. During your stay you'll experience days and nights worth of fun and planned activities along with included meals. This package is more geared towards couples looking for a nice vacation or getaway and to spend quality, loving time together.


Silver - Romance Package


3 Days, 2 Nights

With this package you’ll receive a room at the Sandpearl Resort. Along with your stay, a signature spa package will be included that provides multiple treatments that make you feel refreshed and relaxed. It also comes with a delicious  Starlite Majesty Dining Cruise which gives you and you partner the experience to fly high with Chute Em Up Parasailing making memories that will last forever! To top it off you and your partner can relax at the Cabanas and have some fun in sun!

Romance Packages: Vacations
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